What schools need to know about ADHD
It is an (erroneous) generalisation to think that all schools panic or are apprehensive when they hear that a child in the school has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is as outmoded a stereotype as the GP who hands out methylphenidate too frequently. However, it can still be said that many teachers may feel ill equipped to support a child with ADHD. There is a growing voice in some children’s disabilities lobbies (most notably in the dyslexia lobby) that says that all trainee teachers should have mandatory training in particular conditions. It is a compelling argument when figures such as 15–20% (of children have dyslexia and related specific learning difficulties) are used. As a lead in special needs in university-based initial teacher education (ITE) myself, I am aware of students’ concerns around such high-incidence conditions as dyslexia, ADHD and autism. I am also aware that when I empower our students to understand the complexity of supporting children with any special educational need or disability (SEND), I also help to reduce any potential anxiety in them as teachers.
ADHD in practice 2013; 5(3): 10–12
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