What I tell young people about transitioning to adult services
Preparing for the move from young people’s to adult healthcare services can be a daunting task for many young people and their families. It has been found that young people’s participation in this process is hindered, but it is important for you to consider what services you need in order to stay in good health once you are no longer eligible to see child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS). There are concerns that the high threshold of need required to access adult services can mean that there is no healthcare service available for young people after adolescence. This means it is important to begin the discussion and preparation as early as possible. With the introduction of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines and the recognition that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not a childhood-limited disorder, there has been an increasing need for the provision of adult services. The transition of young people to adult services is common in many other disorders, such as diabetes and asthma; however, there are different considerations for transition when mental health and well-being are concerned. This transition will come about at a time when there may be many other changes happening in your life; for example, changes in education, moving away from home and meeting new friends. Adult services tend to view young people as independent from their families and have different expectations of how you should participate in your own care. If you would like your family and friends to remain involved in your care, you should make this known to adult services.
ADHD in practice 2013; 5(2): 8–10
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